Accomplishing it All

Tonight I watched Julie and Julia. And first I must say that Meryl Streep has always been a favorite, however, in this movie she has outdone herself. It was superb acting, and I now feel that I must rent and watch every movie she has ever been in. I am dreaming if I think I have that kind of time.

The movie, struck a chord though. How do we manage to accomplish it all? School, work, graduate school applications, apartment searching, grant applications… and the list goes on. It seems that there never exists enough time in the day to cross everything off the list. And while I can certainly have high ambitions of accomplishing it all, there is a point where I must acknowledge that it is more of a pipe dream.

Currently I am halfway through my Christmas break, and absolutely dread the upcoming semester. Mainly because the great ‘to-do’ list has one too many things that have not been marked off. And each and every morning they glare at me, tauntingly, whispering “you will never get it all done.” 

I had hoped to read more, sew more, sleep more. And while some is being accomplished, I feel as though it is all happening at a sluggish pace, and I wonder what I could possibly do to speed myself up.

So I wonder, is it actually possible to accomplish it all? Amy Adams character in the movie illustrates this perfectly. Where is the time to have a job, and family; as well as the time to cook and blog?

I believe the answer lies in determination. And if I can be determined in other areas of my life then why can’t I in this part? So here is to accomplishing it all- because I am determined to believe that it can be done.

I have finished the semester with my head above water, the GRE has been taken, and graduate school applications sent. Now maybe I will be able to find some time to relax, and accomplish the list of things that greet me every morning.

Currently there is a stack of fabric waiting to be turned into quilts (hopefully featured on here soon!), books to be read, and preparation for the new semester, and a summer wedding all to be done.

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

We had a treat in Central Waco a few weeks ago, and while I was busy and could not take photos, I did find this video to share with all of you. Plus I think the video captures the events quite well. Enjoy getting ready for Christmas, I am wrapping things up and then heading home for a while, and will hopefully have more posts coming your way!

**I take no credit for the above film.


To show my appreciation to all of you bloggers, and because I am crazy…

 I am running a sale in my store just for you! From now until December 19th any purchase (including custom orders, except on quilts) will recieve 15% off!

All you have to do is put “blog15” in the buyer comments of your purchase, and I will refund the 15%, or you can message me and I will set up a custom order with the correct price!

I have oven mitts::

Burp Cloths::


And tons of other exciting things!

**All orders placed will ship in time for Christmas.